Swiss Health Economics Workshop 2022


Please click here to access the program of the workshop.

About the conference

In collaboration with the Swiss Society of Health Economics, the CSS Institute organizes the fifth Swiss Health Economics Workshop (SHEW). The SHEW aims at bringing together researchers, policy-makers and practitioners from Switzerland.

You are invited to submit an abstract (see below) if you are doing scientific research in the field of Health Economics and

  1. you are affiliated with a research unit or a commercial company located in Switzerland,
  2. you are of Swiss nationality but affiliated with a foreign scientific or commercial unit,
  3. or you are a foreign health economist who performs research on the Swiss health system.

The SHEW will take place on June 10, 2022 at the Headquarters of CSS Insurance in Lucerne.

We are planning to hold the conference in-person in accordance with the local Covid-19 regulations.

Call for Abstracts


Conference venue: Headquarter of CSS Insurance, Lucerne



Keynote speaker

Prof. Günther Fink is Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Household Economics at the University of Basel as well as head of the Household Economics and Health Systems Research Unit at the Swiss TPH. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, as well as a Master’s in applied economics from the University of Michigan. Dr. Fink’s work focuses on developing and evaluating new and innovative approaches to improving health systems globally, with a particular focus on child health and child development in developing countries. He has worked on evaluations of national and community-based health insurance initiatives in Ghana and Burkina Faso, community-based health workers programs in Nigeria, and large-scale private and public sector initiatives to reduce the burden of malaria in Angola, Namibia, Uganda and Zambia. He is currently the PI of the Zambia Early Childhood Development Project as well as the Sao Paulo Western Region Project, two longitudinal studies exploring the long-term effects of early life adversity. He is currently also working on a range of cluster-randomized trials in Brazil, Ghana, South Africa and Zambia aiming at improving health and developmental outcomes among children under age 5.

For further information, please see his personal website.


Online submission of abstracts is open until midnight CET February 6, 2022.

Submitting an abstract requires you to give the following information:

  • your particulars
  • co-authors
  • title of the abstract
  • abstract (maximum 1500 characters for Objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion)

Notification about acceptance will be given by March 2022. The full paper is due by May 1, 2022.

To submit an abstract, please click here.


The registration window is now closed. If you are interested in attending the workshop, please contact to see whether there are still openings for additional guests.

Key dates

Abstract submission

October 25, 2021 – February 06, 2022

Notification of applicants

March 11, 2022

Preliminary Conference Program

March 21, 2022

Conference Registration

April 1, 2022 – May 29, 2022

Submission of papers

May 01, 2022

Swiss Health Economics Workshop

June 10, 2022