
I. Name and Domicile

The Swiss Society of Health Economics (sggö) has been established under Article 60 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code with seat domiciled at the president’s registered residence.

II. Purpose

  1. sggö aims to foster the promotion of science, research and scientific consultancy in health economics. This includes communication and cooperation between various agents active within the health system, interdisciplinary and scientific exchange among specialist groups, associations and institutions. sggö can organize courses, seminars, workshops, further education, research projects and conferences in health economics as well as grant awards and prizes.

  2. sggö will inform the public about health economic insights and represent them vis-à-vis Swiss parliaments and governments.

  3. sggö communicates with other, national and international health economics associations and public health associations.

III. Membership

  1. Any natural person can become a member of sggö, provided he or she respects the purpose of the association and is willing to promote it.

  2. Personal membership as a rule requires that the candidate holds a degree from a university or an institute of higher education. In addition, members should have a professional occupation, either academic or practical, in the field of health economics.

  3. The Board decides on the admission of new members on the basis of a written application for membership which is submitted to the Secretary. The Board’s decision is final.

  4. The General Assembly determines the annual membership fees at its annual meeting.

  5. Membership is terminated by exit or exclusion for justified reasons.

  6. Members may resign by submitting a written statement to the Secretary. This may only be done at the end of the calendar year, subject to a 3-month notice period.


IV. Governing Bodies

The governing bodies of the Association are:

  1. General Assembly

  2. Board

  3. Finance Committee or an external auditor / trustee


A General Assembly

  1. The General Assembly meets annually.

  2. The Board must send a written invitation to the members of the General Assembly at least one month prior to the event by post or by email, with notification of the agenda. Proposals have to be sent to the Secretary at least 6 weeks prior to the general assembly.

  3. Duties and competencies of the general assembly are as follows:

    1. Approval of the minutes of last general assembly;

    2. Approval of the annual report, annual accounts and finance committee’s/external auditor’s audit report;

    3. Discharge of the board and the finance committee or external auditor;

    4. Determination of the annual budget and the membership fees;

    5. Election of the president and the board members;

    6. Election of the finance committee or external auditor;

    7. Treatment of the proposals submitted by the Board and the members;

    8. Decisions regarding important business issues submitted by the Board

    9. Changes in the bylaws;

    10. Liquidation of the association.

  4. Decisions at the General Assembly are made by public vote, employing a simple majority rule. If the votes are tied, the President has the casting vote.

  5. All members present at the general assembly have the same voting rights. Representation is not possible.


B Board

  1. The Board is composed of at least 5 members who are elected by the General Assembly for a duration of two years. The board constitutes itself except for the president who is elected by the Assembly. The board is quorate provided at least three members are present. The board is summoned to convene if the President or the Members of the Board request it. The President has the casting vote if required.

  2. The Board can set up committees and delegate individual duties to these. These committees are subject to the supervision of the Board’s supervision.

  3. The Board is composed of:

    1. President

    2. Vice President
    3. Secretary

    4. 2 or more further members
  4. It is possible for Board members to execute multiple functions.

  5. The Board is endowed with all competencies that are not explicitly transferred to another governing body of the society. These include:

    1. The organization and management of the General Assembly;
    2. The admission and exclusion of members;

    3. The admission and exclusion of members;

  6. Resolutions of the Board are passed by simple majority of the attending members. Decisions may be taken by means of written consent. 

  7. The Board represents the Society publically. The joint signatures of the President and a Board member are legally binding.


C Finance Committee

  1. The General Assembly can select a person who is not necessarily a member of the association to serve as financial auditor for 2 years. Reelection is possible.

  2. The accounting year coincides with the calendar year. The annual accounts will be audited by the finance committee or an external auditor.

  3. If the Society’s accounting is performed by an external auditor, there is then no need to elect a finance committee.

V. The Society’s Funds and Legal Liability

  1. The Society’s funds consist mainly of membership fees and other grants.

  2. The Society’s accrued liabilities shall be met exclusively from its funds. The Society’s members shall carry no personal liability for its financial responsibilities.

VI. Change of the Bylaws and Dissolution

  1. To make a change in the bylaws, a majority of at least three quarters of all members present in the General Assembly is required.

  2. In the case of dissolution of the Association, the General Assembly will decide on the use of any proceeds from the liquidation.


These bylaws were approved by the Founders’ Assembly on November 24, 2016, thereby coming immediately into force.